Sunday, April 12, 2009

Miss Kim Lilac Bush Zone 5?

I just got a Miss Kim Lilac bush and I live in Chicago. Can anyone tell me how tall it gets here? I%26#039;ve seen reports online of anywhere from 5 feet to 8 feet. Also, it%26#039;s in the container right now that I got it in and it looks like it%26#039;s getting ready to bloom soon. Should I plant it now or wait for it to bloom so I don%26#039;t disturb it? Should I add any soil amendments when I do plant it?


Miss Kim Lilac Bush Zone 5?
I live just west of Chicago, and I planted 2 Miss Kim 2 years ago. Plant it now in full sun - dig the hole 2x the size of the container it is planted in. I always buy a $3.00 bag of rich top soil for every shrub I plant. Mix the top soil in with the soil dug from the hole, mix in some slow release regular fertilizer in with the back fill. Plant and water it well, check it every other day. I would water every other day till at least May 15th (depending on rain) My Miss kims are in partial shade, and they do not like their space. I have seen them in my neighborhood in full sun, they thrive, takes a few years for them to get huge (6 ft. tall - 5-6 %26#039; wide) but you can prune them after blooming to keep them compact. They are the BEST smelling lilac bush and one of my favorites!
Reply:miss kim is a dwarf lilac bush. it will very slowly grow to about 8 to 10 feet but it will be gradual. this is in zone 7. i would plant it after the last frost date u have in chicago just to make sure your blooms arent damaged by frost. i always add soil amendments when i plant anything but for a lilac i would probably add composted cow manure to your top soil
Reply:How tall it grows will depend on conditions, the last figure (8ft) is its optimum height. If the container it is in is large enough that it isn%26#039;t root bound you could plant it, however when planting you always want to spread roots out, so then you may loose your blossoms. Lilacs like alkaline soil so some lime would be a good thing, and they like cow manure every couple of years as a fertilizer. Hope this helps.
Reply:I would suggest that you plant it now since it is not putting all the energy yet.

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